Keyword Density (KWD)

KWD is sometimes an over used word in the vocabulary of search marketing companies, and of web sites. Essentially, it is how many times as a mathematical percentage, a particular word or search term is used within a document. This is, without question one of the most significant factors evaluated by search engines to interpret contact and their true correlation to said search phrases.

When we consider what was covered in the Synonyms article, if you enter the following into Google or any search engine:

~SEO–reporting –language

This command will evaluate and produce results that correspond to accountancy, but not to SEO content that overly mentions jobs or vacancies.

The results show the words ‘SEO reporting’, ‘SEO body’ and ‘SEO language’. So, in our example, we have an article that is probably about SEO, its governing bodies and the language and terminology that they use. It does not include the words which we have asked the search engine to omit.

So, why should a reputable digital marketing company never merely overload the content, using a high quantity of keywords to try and cover all bases or to cut corners? Experienced SEO managers will  know that there is a switch that engines respond to when they suspect that spam is being deployed.

This leaves us with the question of what is the optimal KWD? Search engines keep this private, of course, to stop people trying to beat the system and also by search marketing companies to protect their intellectual property.

There are many variables around this subject and that is why it is both sensible and time efficient to employ a professional search marketing company, who are able to make the most of the content on your site and to write new and fresh content when needed.

Duplication and Plagiarism of Content

Over the years, people have asked us “if I pay for content and put it on my site, can others not just take this and deploy the SEO copy themselves?”

The answer is an undisputable “No!”. One of the reasons for Google’s cache of pages is not only so it knows what content people have, but so that it has a digital memory of what others have written for their own or for search marketing purposes. You can’t reproduce the BBC website and then rank like the BBC, it simply will not happen.