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Knowledge is Power

/Knowledge is Power

March 2024 Core Update

2024-04-25T09:20:44+00:00March 19th, 2024|Knowledge is Power, Latest News|

Google rolled out a core update in March 2024 aimed at improving search results by removing low-quality content. This included a crackdown on websites using AI-generated content to manipulate search rankings. Here's a quick breakdown: Google's Goal: Reduce unhelpful, unoriginal content

SEO Jargon

2024-03-13T14:56:45+00:00December 5th, 2022|Articles, Knowledge is Power|

Some SEO and Digital marketing jargon from today and days gone by. Hopefully helpful as people seem not to like the jargon in our (or anyone else's) industry. Riddle me these .... 301: A permanent server redirect – a change of