Google has announced that if you use a different currency in your Google AdWords account, Google Analytics will now automatically convert advertisers’ cost, CPC and ROAS figures to whatever currency is being used in the Google Ads account.
Some advertisers use a different currency in Google AdWords to that which they use in GA. Some companies prefer to do this so that they are billed in their country’s currency, but trade in other currencies. For example, a UK company might wish to be billed by AdWords in GBP, but might also want to use USD in Analytics – perhaps due to the use of multiple currencies in their online shop.
It used to be that these advertisers would need to convert currencies manually, however now Google have made this automatic.
On January 23rd 2015, Google announced: “To make it easier to compare your AdWords cost data with your other data in Google Analytics, we recently enabled currency conversion from PPC to GA.”
In order to work out the exchange rate to be displayed, Big G said that “In our calculations, we use the exchange rate at the midpoint of the reporting time range. For example, if you are viewing a time period from January 5th to 19th, we will use the rate from January 12th to convert your AdWords cost data to the currency of your GA account.”
If you would like more information about Google AdWords or Google Analytics, or would like help or advice running your Google AdWords and Analytics, talk to us today.