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Knowledge is Power2024-03-19T16:19:20+00:00

Knowledge is Power.

Some news, views and digital ramblings from Digital State, digital marketing agency in Cheshire.

The below articles refer to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), AdWords (Pay Per Click), Google Analytics, Social Media and other elements of digital marketing.

We have been around since 2009 so there may also be mention of Pandas, Penguins, Page Rank, Matt Cutts, hummingbirds and some caffeine.

Knowledge is Power


March 2024 Core Update

March 19th, 2024|Categories: Knowledge is Power, Latest News|

Google rolled out a core update in March 2024 aimed at improving search results by removing low-quality content. This included a crackdown on websites using AI-generated content to manipulate search rankings. Here's a quick breakdown: Google's Goal: Reduce unhelpful, unoriginal content

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