Web1, Web2 and Web3 represent the three core development stages that have occurred in the internet’s evolution from inception to the present day. Each development stage has impacted the field of digital marketing in very distinct ways, so it’s only natural that marketers and businesses are curious about what they can expect from Web3. But in order to answer that question properly, let’s begin by taking a quick trip back in time to Web1.
Web1 and Digital Marketing: Basic But Informative
Our journey begins in the early 1990s, when the internet was brand new and filled with possibility. The static web was characterised by simple HTML structured websites that could offer information but couldn’t offer anything in the way of user engagement.
Facilitating Connection
Web1 was extremely limited, however, it is where the roots of digital marketing first started to appear and develop. After all, the internet presented businesses and individuals with the opportunity to create a presence online and even potentially extend their reach on a global level.
Building a Brand Identity Online
Web1 supported some basic branding strategies, such as brand colours, logo designs, and distinctive typography. Arguably most importantly, however, Web1 also saw the inception of search engine optimisation (SEO) because it quickly became apparent to many companies that search engines had the potential to drive streams of organic traffic to the most visible websites.
Web2 and Digital Marketing: The Social Element
Web2 emerged in the early 00s, driven by rapid technological advancements that allowed for the development of more considered user experiences. This iteration of the internet is also widely regarded as the social web and saw the introduction of forums, blogs, instant messaging, and social networks, including Facebook and MySpace. Sites such as Wikipedia also took off during this time, as it became possible to share information collaboratively with others in the online space.
Personalised Communications
Clearly, digital marketing evolved and thrived during this time, particularly as it helped businesses to form connections with their audiences on a personal level. The rise of social media helped marketers to discover the potential of user-generated content, namely its ability to build a sense of authenticity and trustworthiness around a brand.
The Age of Analytics
Additionally, user behaviour and analytics information started to inform increasingly data-driven approaches to digital strategies, which helped businesses to further increase their reach, build engaged communities, and create targeted advertisements to drive revenue. Today, data informs all key marketing decisions because it helps businesses to understand the needs and desires of their target audience.
Web3 and Digital Marketing: The Push Towards Immersive and Incentivised Experiences
The transition to Web3 has already begun, which is set to enhance the capabilities of Web2 whilst also addressing many of the more challenging elements that have emerged over the last couple of decades.
Security and Transparency
Blockchain technology is becoming more widespread, largely due to its ability to offer more transparency and security for users. Moves towards a more decentralised internet will also be made, with decentralised apps, or dApps, ensuring that users have complete control of their interactions, data and other digital assets.
Web3 will impact digital marketing significantly in the near future, driven most significantly by the desire for more transparent and ethical online practices. This shift will help businesses to regain some of the trust that has been lost amongst audiences in recent years, whilst also serving to deliver more considered and personal user experiences.
Will Crypto Come Into Its Own?
We can’t talk about Web3 without mentioning blockchain, cryptocurrencies and token economies. Smart businesses and marketers will already be devising ways to use tokens to incentivise consumer loyalty and engagement levels, whilst also identifying ways in which blockchain technology can establish new streams of revenue via micro-payment transactions.
Virtual Reality
It would be remiss to overlook the potential of immersive experiences aided by technologies including dApps and VR technology. VR technology has been in the emergent stage for a long time, however, the introduction of Web3 poses an array of possibilities for brands, businesses and individuals to use virtual reality to provide more memorable and more personal interactions and online experiences.
Looking for a Digital Marketing Agency in Cheshire?
With so many different elements to consider, the move to Web3 can quickly start to feel more than a little overwhelming. But by partnering with a trusted digital marketing agency in Cheshire, you can tap into the knowledge of professional marketers who make it their mission to keep up to date with emerging trends and developments.
Whether you want to develop a brand new digital strategy for your start-up, refresh an existing strategy for your established business to enhance your engagement, or simply learn more about exactly what Web3 could mean for your business this year and beyond, reach out to a trusted digital agency today. After all, remaining proactive in an ever-evolving field is the only way to ensure you stay one step ahead of your competitors.