I’ve talked in the past about how digital marketing is no longer regarded, in the main, as a separate discipline to traditional marketing and how, on the contrary, the two areas are growing increasingly indistinguishable. As I’ve quoted previously, there is rarely a situation where the phrase “nothing new under the sun” doesn’t come in handy; however, an article this week makes the case so compellingly (and so beautifully) that I wanted to return to the concept.
The truth is that the skills that were identified as SEO’s are growing to be useful to ALL marketers (and will continue to be, in some form or another, for the foreseeable future – or will it?! – no, it definitely will) and the concepts that underpin the strategic thinking of traditional marketing have always been at the heart of the strategic thinking of digital marketers (or, at least those with any intelligence!)
As I say, nihil sub sole novum.
Nevertheless, whilst the strategies remain germane across all spheres, the practicalities are still resolutely technical and, as such, there is still the need for digital specialists, rather than just marketing generalists.
One such sphere was demonstrated outstandingly by Cyrus Shepherd this week, where he looked at the demands of in-page topic targeting, along with a detailed diversion into schema mark-up. As always, Cyrus walks the tightrope of articulating advanced ideas in an understandable fashion.
Given the recent past of Digital State’s analytical development, it’s no surprise that we have been keeping an eye on the implementation of statistical theory in the industry. And this week saw an article on Bayesian analysis which we like a lot.
Whilst there are definitely questions surrounding the need for a large study to establish the initial conditions required for this analysis (and the concomitant challenges of analysing something if this dataset is not achievable), Bayesian analysis does have the advantage of being able to update more often with less hassle and smaller studies can add to a larger one more continuously.
Lastly, can you remember your first tweet? Some of us may wish to forget how gauche we were in the early days of Twitter and, as such, have been thankful that those “micro-blogs” had disappeared into the digital aether. Unfortunately, Twitter is resurrecting them – enjoy visiting the past; just remember that, as LP Hartley said, it’s a foreign country.