Digital State Consulting

DSC Weekly Digest – 03/10/14  – Google rolled out a new Panda update in the last week or so (and is looking set to update Penguin next week) so it’s clear the summer is well and truly over (!).

Interestingly, there seems to be significantly less tumult surrounding these updates than in previous iterations and I think it’s fair to say that the fall-out from these is likely to be much less than previous years.

Of course, you’d hope that this was the case – as Google iterates its algorithms, the expectation is that they get closer to being able to convert their analysis into the rankings they think most accurately reflect human wants and needs when they search.

My interpretation is that an algorithm update as seismic as 2012, for example, would be evidence that Google is pulling a handbrake turn on its approach – and that is not something I’m anticipating (not least of which because Google is in the business of making itself look omnicompetent!).

The reality is that best practice (as it is broadly accepted across the industry) is now entrenched (I nearly said institutionalised but that could be taken the wrong way!) and, as such, if you’re going about your content development and link development the right way, you’re unlikely to find yourself suddenly fire-fighting in the next few weeks.

Of course, if you working on a site that still has skeletons in its cupboard, this could be a nervous time. And with that in mind, here’s a timely set of recovery considerations.

Talking about the transitory nature of some old school SEO, Yahoo Directory began its farewells this week – with a eulogy from Danny Sullivan that I’m sure brought tears to the eyes of many a search marketer!

Whilst it’s only of passing interest in practical terms, it’s interesting to remind ourselves that those SEO “silver bullets” just don’t exist anymore – it’s hard work and focus on users that brings success now.

So, I’m just going to link to some articles that will help shift that focus (if you haven’t already) away from thinking about the “game” of SEO and thinking more about the people who pay our wages – your clients, your customers, your traffic.

Firstly, here’s a great reminder (and how-to) about studying user data to inform your organic targeting.

Secondly, a really nicely written précis of how content and social and search are the holy triumvirate for businesses with a local focus – in the 21st Century, even local needs to be digital to attract its market.

And thirdly, a PPC piece that helps with that thorny question of how to balance attracting maximum traffic with attracting maximum conversions – that is, getting the buyers, not the browsers.  Whilst it’s not a panacea, it does get you thinking and that’s what the Weekly Digest tries to do and this was the news from DSC Weekly Digest – 03/10/14. The end, until next time.