Email Marketing from Digital State Marketing

Email Marketing Services

Continual development through intelligent iteration, testing & constant evolution.

In today’s customer-centric world, you can’t afford to ignore the importance of Email.
Sophisticated planning and execution strictly within GDPR guidelines.


Email Marketing from Digital State

Email Marketing Solutions.

Our consultancy packages provide the very best ‘in- class’ techniques, to establish excellent ROI on your company’s campaigns.
We also provide seamless Google Analytics set up, reporting and analysis so that the results can be cross referenced and integrated into “joined up” thinking.
Our specialists utilise numerous platforms & advanced conversion tracking tools to give us the insight & ability to engage as effectively with your customers as possible and allow you to maximise both yield and frequency of every single conversion.

Email marketing keeps your brand in touch with its customers and ensures that you are not the dreaded revolving door of customer acquisition. 

The intention is to both acquire business and to remove barriers to engagement or conversion.

We constantly evolve the flow and user journey of your campaigns to achieve the optimum conditions that drive your visitors towards taking a desired action on your site.

These actions may include obvious steps like taking specific customers straight to a specific product or landing page or encouraging a video view or brochure download, through to more complex actions.

Making your data work for you is one of the most important factors in maximising not only revenue but your customer’s engagement and therefore lifetime value to your business. LTV calculations are an important factor and one that is too often ignored.

It’s future-proofing and evolving your success and brand position. It’s your secret weapon against your competitors when done right.

The easier the customer journey on your website, the lower your customer acquisition costs will be, meaning you have more money in the pot for your other campaigns. Win-win from every angle.

Email marketing is the ‘Ultimate’ route to efficiency and something, bizarrely, not enough companies invest properly in.

Contact us today for an informal, no obligation discussion and be two steps ahead of your competitive set. 

How will we manage the process to ensure you receive the best email services you’ve ever come across?

We start by executing a full audit of your existing solutions and what has and has not worked well.  We recommend this is coupled with competitor analysis and observations. 

It’s vital that you communicate  your aims and ambitions with us. When we have the full picture, we make recommendations and improvements, that constantly drive you towards digital excellence. 

We will work with the developers to ensure any necessary actions are implemented on your site, and the tracking is in place via both the email technology being used and the GA4 configuration.

Iterative testing is recommended throughout the course of our work together. 

Optimising the touch points with your potential customers is essential. 

Change & test and reiteration phases will be put in place across the key parts of your campaigns and guided by reporting and campaign objectives. 

We carry out A/B and multivariance testing to ensure changes we recommend are based on good, solid data. In line with data driven strategies we will work with your design team to drive conversions forward and reduce any missed opportunities. 

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Don’t just take it from us

“Working with Digital State helped us really understand our Google Analytics data in a way we hadn’t previously.

They enabled us to make changes on the website which resulted in a 32% increase in leads”. 

Energy services , International Energy Services Company

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Other Services

Google AdWords & PPC

Want to increase sales, reduce costs of sale and build brand awareness? 

Google AdWords specialists are your safest route to consistent and robust ROAS.

With near immediate results, find out how our PPC & AdWords specialists could get you almost 8 x your ad spend ASAP.  Read more on our tried and tested paid media services here.

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Other Services

Search Engine Optimisation

Does your website give you the edge over your competition? 

Ensure you are positioned as the authority in your sector and use all the very latest SEO techniques, guaranteed to put you to the top of the listings and keep you  ahead of the competition.

Read more about our market-leading SEO services here.

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Other Services


Understand how and why your competitors are increasing market share?

A rigorous reporting framework can give you actionable insight and analytics on not just your own site but that of your competitors too, meaning competitive advantage will be yours.

If you want to understand how our tried & tested framework can help your business or you’d like a free audit of your current set-up, read more about our reporting & analysis services today.

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