Brand Search International (Designerwear International Ltd) is a UK based fashion retailer and wholesaler with the exclusive rights to Stanley workwear and Bench clothing in the UK and several B2C retail sites built in Visualsoft technology and Aero. BSI’s turnover is in excess of 25 million pounds. The fashion retail is executed via
The Project
At the beginning of the project, BSI had a legacy Google analytics configuration. The company was reliant in part upon data being provided to it by the Visualsoft system. As Visualsoft charges a “shared success” commission and takes a slice of the remarketing sales, it clearly gave a need for solid analytics data being provided to the client. There have been several challenges, all of which have been met. Those were not limited to, but included:
- Developing robust E-Commerce Analytics reporting and goal setting.
- Implementing Google Tag Manager.
- Maximising ROAS (return on Ad Spend) from Google AdWords, this was implemented largely manually with up to 500 (20,000 in total) changes a month to the campaign, constant monitoring and refinement.
- SEO implementation via the client giving us log ins to the system and being approved as users of the Visualsoft technology.
- SEO implementation was both in house, to save the delays from Visualsoft, but also via raising work tickets and the submitting and then monitoring the execution of those tickets, via the Visualsoft system.
Ad spend and Revenue YOY data
In the first nine months of management, compared to the same time period the previous year, we increased revenue by 81.88%. This was achieved with a 62.03% increase in ad spend. The return on ad spend improved from 8.18x to 9.18x. That’s a straight twenty percent increase in revenue.
This project has been a great success and demonstrates that visualsoft can be SEO friendly with the right agency.